Project Objective: Create a meal experience using Oculus headsets and 3D sketch application Gravity Sketch
Team Members: Brett Enders, Jude Gill, Emily Straughn
Our meal experience is a children's tea party. Food elements are modeled after meals we had at various bakeries and tea houses. Set designs reference childhood movies and videogames such as Alice in Wonderland, Krampus, and Legend of Zelda.
Content Warning: Small Jumpscares / Horror Elements
VR Tea Party In-Game POV
Alternative Video Link:
VR Tea Party Live In-Class Demo
Alternative Video Link:
Above: Our classmate, JP ( in the Star Wars hoodie ), is participating in our live demonstration of our meal experience. Brett and I are sitting in front of the projector screen reading the script. Jude is sitting off-camera at the back of the room, controlling the scene changes. Part of the in-person experience is asking the rest of our classmates to participate at the end of the 'meal'.
Left: Our script details which elements/layers are on at which points during the presentation.
Orange: Jude's directions for when to turn layers on/off,
Green: When I, as the narrator, provide direction for the user
Pink: Brett's lines as Brett the Bear.
Normal Text: Perspective of the user at the moment.
Left: Jude's perspective as the 'stagehand' as they turn on/off layers in Gravity Sketch in order to 'change scenes'.
Above: Screenshots of our 'sets'
Above: The meals we had as a group in-person, and how we translated them in VR