Winter Market is a semester-long project dedicated to the creation of 10 home goods centered on themes of sustainability. The first portion of this course is the research phase. We are asked to conduct ethnographic style research within a situation of our choice. Me and classmate Beibei Wang chose to conduct our observational research in apartment complex courtyards.
Above: The three locations we conducted our research at.
Above: We used the 4 A's method to begin organizing our observations.
Above: Our next method of analyzing our data is plotting sounds we heard in sound graphs.
Above: An empty sound graph. The X-axis marks time; most of our observations were conducted over the course of 60 minutes. The Y-Axis marks sound; we graphed sound purely based on our perception, hence the midpoint labeled as the volume of our normal talking levels.
Above: This is what the sound graph looks like when all the sounds we heard at the apartment complex, GRIFF, are plotted.
Above: This next graph is the exact same as the previous, except we've singled out a baseline sound.
Above: The two graphs side by side.
Above: Sound graphs based on observations at the Greystone apartment complex courtyard.
Above: Sound graphs based on observations at the Lumen apartment complex courtyard.
Above: Sound graphs based on observations at the Lumen apartment complex courtyard on a different day.
Above: All four baseline graphs. The top two graphs both show extreme difference between the baseline and combined sounds. We conclude that this means when the baseline is low, loud noises are extremely loud in comparison. The bottom two graphs both show less difference between the baseline and the combined sounds. We conclude that this means when the baseline is high, loud noises are less extreme.
Above: An insight that connects our research with its potential application in the home/world of home goods.
Above: Next, we’ll move on to an experience we had at Lumen. Beibei and I were sitting at a table in the courtyard when we heard loud music coming from the circled apartment, a guy walks out onto the balcony singing along with the music at the top of his lungs. He then makes direct eye contact with Beibei, immediately stops singing, and walks back inside.
Above: In order to make sense of this experience and similar events, we used the DIKW chart a method of identifying patterns within data in order to draw insights.
Above: Here we’ve started to chart the Lumen story within the DIKW chart. There were two sides to this interaction, one was from our perspective from the courtyard, the other perspective was from the balcony.
Above: We decided to rearranged the DIKW chart to match the two perspectives in our story.
Above: We reached the insight that there is no separation of space when it comes to sound.
Above: We continued to input our data into the chart and identified a pattern of balconies and courtyards existing in opposition of each other at Lumen.
Above: Our third method of analysis relies on heat maps and conversation maps. Above is an empty map depicting a top down view of the GRIFF apartment complex courtyard.
Above: A heat map detailing the activity/frequency of people as the moved through the courtyard.
Above: A conversation map detailing the location and volume of conversations we overheard.
Above: The two maps side by side; where there is activity in the courtyard, there is also conversation in similar areas.
Above: Next is a top-down view of the courtyard at Lumen.
Above: Again, where there is activity in the courtyard, there is also conversation in similar areas.
Above: These maps are from a different day at Lumen. There is less activity, but the conversations and activity still occur in similar spots.
Above: Here is a top-down view of Greystone.
Above: We noticed the comparison of these maps is different than the comparisons between the previous maps because the conversations are grouped into two areas, either by the fountain or the entrance.
Above: A few quotes from the conversations we overheard while conducting research at Greystone.
Above: Our three insights
So what happened next?....
The next phase of Winter Market is the concept development phase with a twist. Instead of developing concepts based on our own research, we switched research insights with another team. Beibei and I handed our research to Elise Aultman and Mark Celestina. Below is some of the concepts Elise and Mark came up with based on our research...
Above: The Couch Companion concept addresses insight #3.
Above: The Pierogi Pouch concept addresses insight #2.
Click HERE to see what Beibei and I did with Elise and Mark's research!