Proportion of image-to-text will be estimated through comparing the amount of space images take up on a page (quarter-page, halfpage, full-page, two-page spread) to the total number of pages, excluding the front and back covers, ads, and table of contents.
I will be judging the style of the magazines ranging from dated to contemporary, subjectively. Contemporary magazines will be judged contemporary if they are more contemporary than other magazines sampled, and vice versa. In other words, the style of the magazines will be compared in the specific context of Appalachian magazines; comparison to magazines beyond the scope of Appalachian magazines is to be avoided.
Magazines (From left to right, bottom to top):
(1) Appalahia Magazine. "Rural Action: Revitalizing Appalachian Communities". 2008.
Appalachian Review. 2023.
(2) Appalachian Journal. "Gurney's Homefolk". 2024. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Appalachia Mountain Club. "One New England Thread: An 800-mile bike and kayak trip through the Northeast avoids automobiles". 2023.
Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine (sample). 2016.
Southeast Ohio. 2024.
The Arc of Appalachia. 2023-24. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
No Depression. 2024.
Three Gaps:
Contemporary & 25-50%
Dated & 40-60%
Dated or Contemporary, 75-100%
Contemporary & 25-50%: If my goal is to visual storytelling, my intervention should contain more image than text.
Dated & 40-60%: Again, my intervention should contain more image than text. My intervention should also exist on the contemporary side of the spectrum because Appalachia is generalized as a region that is 'behind' culturally, economically, socially, and environmentally.
Dated 75-100%: Again, my intervention should also exist on the contemporary side of the spectrum because Appalachia is generalized as a region that is 'behind' culturally, economically, socially, and environmentally.
Contemporary 75-100%: There is oppurtunity to push visual storytelling even further in the context of existing Appalachian magazine publications. While Appalachia is generalized as a region that is 'behind' culturally, economically, socially, and environmentally, my intervention is not on the extreme contemporary side of the spectrum because of the importance of generational knowledge and history in Appalachian culture.
It is also worth noting that there is only one Southeastern Ohio dedicated magazine publisher.
How does this improve my project?
Moving forward, I know there is justification for pushing visual storytelling to have a more contemporary feel, as well as justification for using more visuals in visual storytelling.
Next steps could include assessing ODNR media on the same graph to see if there is a lack of visual storytelling, and assessing different mediums of visual storytelling other than magazines.